Camellia Display E.G. Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens: 29-30 June 20, 2013


Stan Peck Gazebo

The E.G. Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens in conjunction with St George and Sutherland Camellia Society will present a small camellia display in the Stan Peck Gazebo during the final weekend of June 2013 (10am to 4pm, Saturday 29 June and Sunday 30 June respectively) – weather permitting.  The display will include good varieties for home gardeners and (if in flower) some rarer Camellia Ark blooms.  Members of St George and Sutherland Camellia Society will be available to provide cultural tips.  There would also be an opportunity to promote forthcoming shows by other Camellias Australia affiliates.  The Gardens are located on the corner of President Avenue and Kareena Road Caringbah in Sutherland Shire, Sydney.  Contact:

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