Fifty Years Ago – Camellia News No. 21 March, 1966


Walter G.Hazlewood
Epping N.S.W.

CA030 copyThis list has been prepared mainly to assist beginners and to give them some lead on the best varieties with which to start a camellia garden. Later, as they become more familiar with different camellias and their performance, they will add to their collections according to their own inclinations.

This selection is more particularly meant for the Sydney district where it is my idea that the accent should be on earliness as the late-blooming varieties have many flowers spoilt by the heat of late spring. I believe that most varieties of Camellia japonica would bloom for four or five months if the climate were favourable.


chandleriThis is one of the earliest to flower, and carries well on into the spring. It is anemoniform, bright crimson with white markings, but towards the end of the season nearly all the blooms are self-coloured. Apart from its earliness and long flowering, I have found it more resistant to heat. It flowers normally in a warm autumn, when others like ‘Aspasia’ and its sports delay their blooming until the weather gets cooler.



 An informal double and one of the earliest to flower. It has a number of sports, such as ‘Daikagura Red’ and ‘High Hat’. It is a comparatively dwarf grower and suitable for the small garden.





An informal double, light pink and very attractive. It does not spoil readily with the weather like so many others.



23050170755_62157b4fe6_mAnemoniform, pink with white markings. Early and long flowering, and, judging by the number or exhibits in shows, it ranks a one of our most popular camellias. Like ‘Chandleri” it is resistant to heat. There are a number of sports which include. ‘C. M. Wilson’. ‘Shiro Chan’, and ‘Barbara Woodroof’ being the best known.




Semi-double pink, early free flowering and most attractive.



Formal double, delicate pink, flowering early to late. Small foliage and medium-sized flowers, but a gem.




A formal double red and although a little on the late side, I have included it for its great beauty and shape,



This is another mid-season to late variety but it is included for its size, which rivals that of the reticulata. It has a lovely foliage, good habit and reasonably long flowering season. All of these are what the reticulata Iacks. I would not include reticulata in a beginners selection, us their one redeeming feature is their gorgeous flower.



 A formal double, showing a few stamens as the flower ages. This variety is included because or its striped finish as well as flowering early to late, and is most attractive.




I consider this the best white for a beginner. Its form varies from formal to in formal double. It is a lovely white with a healthy growth habit and a long flowering season. It may not compare with ‘Alba Plena’ and ‘Fimbriata’ for shape, but these are not so weather-hardy nor such vigorous growers.


8391564896_c644559292_q This is included for its lovely semi-double, crimson flower and its large bunch of stamens. As far as Australia is concerned ‘The Czar’ was responsible, to a very great degree, for bringing camellias back into favour.



This may cause some comment, but it is often the earliest Camellia japonica to come into bloom. I have a report from Mudgee of it flowering on February 8th. It is usually in flower by the third week in March – an informal double white with sometimes a pale pink flush. One of its names in America is “September Morn”. It is similar to ‘Aspasia’ but does not bruise so easily and like ‘Chandleri’ and ‘Elegans’ is heat resistant. It should be very good for the Brisbane area.

Sasanquas have not been included but, if desired, I would recommend ‘Mikuniko’ on account of its earliness (about January 20th) and next would be ‘Shishi Gashira Tall on account of its Iarge flowers and mass blooming effect. Its blooms show up above the foliage better than any other sasanqua, and it has particularly good keeping qualities.

As far as a few of the other old standbys are concerned, I think “Daitairin’ is very lovely but it has a short flowering season and is not so useful for picking. ‘Lady Loch’ is most beautiful as a fresh bloom, but it bruises easily. ‘Great Eastern’, though good and showy, does purple badly at times.

It is hoped that through experience in growing these varieties, the casual camellia grower will become an enthusiast.

Coloured images where available have been added for interest from Camellias Australia’s Flickr Gallery



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