
National Awards

Camellias Australia has national awards and honours that it bestows on people who have been recognised as having made a significant contribution to the society and the promotion of camellias in Australia. A list of award recipients and citations is included on the website.


E. G. Waterhouse Award

The E. G. Waterhouse Award is for exceptional service in Australia in regard to knowledge of the genus Camellia in scientific and botanical fields, including nomenclature investigation and practical research into culture and care.

walterHazlewood-2_normalWalter Hazlewood Award

The Walter Hazlewood Award of Honour is for exceptional service to Camellias Australia Inc in the development of community regard for camellias, particularly in the fields of administration, the creation, distribution and recording of publications and for the making of common rules for displaying and judging camellias.

Each award may be made not more frequently than annually.
Affiliates may put forward nominations for national awards. These nominations are considered by an Awards Committee appointed by the Council. Awards are usually made at the annual Council Meeting on the recommendation of the Awards Committee.