Thursday 17 September 2015:
Conservation of Camellia Grove Nursery Stock, Camellias-R-Us Glenorie
1 pm -2.00 pm,
Camellias-R-Us Nursery, 34 Harrisons Lane Glenorie, admission free and free cuppa.
In an amazing feat of garden plant conservation under the Camellia Ark Project, Bill Parker of Camellias-R-Us has managed to successfully salvage the core of famous old camellia trees lifted and transported from the once great Camellia Grove Nursery site at St Ives. Join Bill as he shows you around over 40 heritage trees – many in blossom.
While at Camellias-R-Us, you can celebrate the memory of great Australian garden writer the late Stirling Macoboy by getting your own specimen of Camellia reticulata hybrid ‘Stirling Macoboy’ (pictured below), selected by Bob Cherry and sponsored by Camellias Australia.
Sunday 8 November 2015:
Inaugural Meeting to form a proposed Camellia Ark Australia Association
10.30 am – 12.30 pm, 16 Fishburns Road, Galston, followed by free BBQ with BYO drinks and garden ramble, ‘Birchgrove’ open garden hosted by Kate and Paul Stanley and Camelliasrus Nursery.
You are invited to participate in a truly great garden plant conservation venture benefitting both Australian horticulture and Australian garden lovers such as yourselves– a proposed Camellia Ark Australia Association.
Its objectives?
(a) To conserve for Australia rare and endangered species and cultivars of the Genus Camellia and other plants of the Family Theaceae, while promoting the horticultural, cultural and multicultural significance of Camellia as a global symbol of friendship particularly with China, Japan and other countries in the Asian Region.
(b) To work with other associations, to help Australia conserve rarer cultivars of other ornamental plants and nursery stock, particularly those that as clones require grafting for propagation and to support future plant breeding.
(c) To promote a supply of rarer camellias to the Australian nursery industry.
(d) For the purposes of conservation, identify individual specimen camellia trees of relevance to Australian garden history and to maintain a national register of these.
If any or all of this interests you, who are warmly welcome to join us on the day. Please contact Kate Stanley to register and for BBQ catering numbers, email or phone (02) 96532202 or mail PO Box 3245 Dural NSW 2158.